It’s summer in Ontario, and that means long, hot, and humid days. After a long winter and an unseasonably chilly spring, plenty of Ontarians are looking forward to the weather finally warming up. However, the combination of hot sun and the humidity that can be especially bad.
Seniors in particular are vulnerable to heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Their bodies don’t adjust well to temperature changes and chronic medical conditions can also affect how they handle the heat.
This summer, make sure you don’t overheat. Use some of these tips for keeping cool all summer long.
#1 Wear a Hat
A light, wide-brimmed hat can keep you in the shade, protecting you from overheating and from sunburns. It can also shade your eyes so that you’re not straining to see under the beating sun. It may seem counter-intuitive that adding more fabric on top of your head will keep you cooler, but hats work wonders.
#2 Stay Active in the Shade
In the dog days of summer, it’s best not to over-exert yourself. You can still stay active by taking a walk in the shade. At our assisted living residences Ottawa seniors can enjoy themselves on our shady walking paths, getting out to enjoy the summer without the risk of overheating. Don’t forget to wear sunscreen to protect yourself from sunburns.
#3 Drink Lots of Water
As the heat increases the rate at which you sweat, dehydration is a major concern. Make sure you drink plenty of water, and not just when you feel thirsty – your body is losing water faster than it can communicate to you.
#4 Eat Light, Cool Meals
The heat can wreak havoc on your appetite. Help your body stay cool by eating light, cool meals, including lots of fresh vegetables or pasta salad. Skip hot, heavy meals that will raise your body temperature.
When it comes to independent assisted living Ottawa All Seniors Care Retirement Residences make sure meals are appropriate to the weather.
#5 Take a Swim
Swimming is a fast way to cool down quickly. Taking a dip in the swimming pool can help you regulate your body temperature.
There are swimming pools at our senior housing across the country and our residents never have a hard time cooling down, even on the hottest days. Visit any of our retirement residences to check out the amenities, as well as the many exercise programs that make use of them. Visit Cite Parkway Ottawa retirement residence, explore the comfortable atmosphere at Beacon Heights residence, or visit a senior living residence in Kanata if you’re in the Ottawa valley region.
If you’re looking at retirement residences in other parts of Canada, consider learning about the assisted living London seniors experience at our residences, as well as residences in Stratford.
Stay cool this summer! Avoid dehydration, heat stroke, and heat exhaustion while still enjoying the bright, sunny days. They won’t last long!