Day 2 – Wii Bowling and Bocce
Bowling & Bocce & Fun on Day 2 of the 11th Annual All Seniors Care Seniors Games
Friendships, competition and laughter, these are a few of our memories of fun! And fun it was across the country on Day 2 of the 2020 All Seniors Care Seniors Games with hundreds of athletes competing in various events at retirement communities across Canada. Wii Bowling and carpet Bocce competitors pushed themselves to achieve personal bests.
Wii Bowling Results – National Medals
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Residence:
Gold: Jim L. Preston Park I
Charlie S. Victoria Landing
Silver: Evelyn M. McCarthy Place
Bronze: Norm R. Preston Park II
National medals will be awarded at a special awards presentation during Closing Ceremonies at the residences on Friday, Feb. 7th, 2020. Media are welcome to attend all events.
We would like to extend a very heart felt thank you to our Mission Staff at each residence, without whose hard work the Games would not have been possible. The Seniors Games are part of the All Seniors Care commitment to providing seniors with innovative ways to enjoy an active and healthy lifestyle.
Laurel Heights Retirement Residence
Laurel Heights Retirement Residence
Medal: Athletes Name: Score:
Gold: Nick F. 221
Silver: Kelly (Beatrice) Q. 284
Bronze: Joyce P. 288
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Nick F. 203
Silver: Anne F. 157
Bronze: Lyle Y. 153
At Laurel Heights, the morning got off to an excellent start as the Round Robin produced five bowlers with scores over 150! Later the Bocce Round Robin produced four competitors vying for medals. We were very impressed by the skills and talents demonstrated throughout the day! Our amazing resident Nick F. took the first 2 Gold Medals. All eyes are on Nick as he continues to compete in events throughout the week. “We had a great cheer leading section at our Play Offs today. They must have been teachers in their younger years as they enjoyed spelling out each competitors name as they cheered and waved pom poms… ”give me a G, give me an O, give me on L, give me a D!” Competitors and spectators were joined at the award ceremony by Tamara Leeder from the Good Samaritan Society. Tamara and the Games Assistants handed out the medals congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. Joyce P. held up her Bronze Medal and put it between her teeth to test for authenticity… She exclaimed “It’s all good.” Our 100-year-old Bronze Medalist Harvey Whitney exclaimed: “not too bad for an old guy”!
St. Albert Retirement Residence
St. Albert Retirement Residence
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Gertie McC. 192
Silver: Maxine R. 257
Bronze: Gwen L. 342
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Gib P. 134
Silver: Andrea C. 131
Bronze: Bob D. 129
At St. Albert Retirement Residence, the morning got off to an excellent start as the Round Robin produced 20 bowlers with scores over 130! Later the Bocce Round Robin produced 12 competitors vying for medals. We were very impressed by the skills and talents demonstrated throughout the day! We had so many competitors for Bocce Ball and although we were quite crowded in the hall, we had so much laughter and fun! “This was the first time my husband and I ever got to compete in a sport together! He thought he was going to score higher than me…. but I sure showed him!!” Competitors and spectators were joined at the award ceremony by Merico Tesolin from CNIB who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. Silver Medalist Maxine R. has been involved in St. Albert Retirement Residence games for the last 3 years. Today she exclaimed, “This week brings me so much joy! Everyone is so enthusiastic, and I go to bed each night in anticipation for the next day!”
Lewis Estates Retirement Residence
Lewis Estates Retirement Residence
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Aliie McK. 21”
Silver: Pauline K. 48”
Bronze: George P. 68”
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Pauline K. 181
Silver: George P. 167
Bronze: Dorothy K. 151
Bocce (Memory Care Floor)
Medal: Athlete’s Name:
Gold: Don U.
Silver: Nancy P.
Bronze: Raymunda T.
Bowling (Memory Care Floor)
Medal: Athlete’s Name:
Gold: Raymunda T.
Silver: Corinne R.
Bronze: Jean L.
At Lewis Estates Retirement Residence this morning got off to an excellent start as the Round Robin produced 5 bowlers with scores over 180! Later the Bocce Round Rodin produced 8 competitors vying for medals. We were very impressed by the skills and talents demonstrated throughout the day! “We are apparently great bowlers under pressure with George P. bowling 3 strikes right at the very end putting him in second place…” Competitors and spectators were joined at the award ceremony by Annette from Pharmacare and Executive Director Tanya, who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. Gold Medalist Allie exclaimed: “this is the first medal I have ever received, and I want to thank everyone who made it possible!”
MacTaggart Place Retirement Residence
MacTaggart Place Retirement Residence
Medal: Athlete’s Name:
Gold: Willi V.
Silver: Lillian R.F.
Bronze: Gwen D.
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Ellenor R. 173
Silver: Lillian R.F. 158
Bronze: Gwen D. 145
Bean Bag Toss (Care Floor)
Medal: Athletes Name: Score:
Gold: Bep V. 2000
Silver: Clarence K. 1650
Bronze: Ed M. 1550
The morning was off to a fun and competitive start here at MacTaggart Place Retirement Residence. Wii Bowling round robin had 12 competitors with scores over 170! Bocce round robin had 8 competitors with multiple tie breakers occurring. Both games had many spectators cheering the competitors on with noise makers and pom poms! We had two athletes that won two medals each today. One of them exclaimed, “I went from never winning anything in my life, to winning two bronze medals at age 93!” Athletes and spectators were joined at the award ceremony by Ted, from Alzheimer Society, who assisted in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. He was so happy he was able to be part of our special ceremony and couldn’t thank the residents enough for allowing him to join in! Wii Bowling playoffs had a packed games room, with some very competitive athletes. Our final four competitors were all ladies and none of them were prepared to go down without a fight. Some of the comments towards the tv included “cheap pin”, “just fall over already”, and “where is the alley boy, I’m going to talk to him”.
Summerwood Village Retirement Residence
Summerwood Village Retirement Residence
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Calvin B. 13
Silver: Freda W. 20
Bronze: Jean H. 21
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Mervyn H. 182
Silver: Jean H. 164
Bronze: Calvin B. 134
Wii bowling started with a good group of fans observing the game play. There were lots of clapping and supportive comments. Bocce Ball was an intense competition. Our memory care floors participated in their own version of bowling. The residents were all smiles and thrilled to win. Proudly showing their families and staff their medals. One 90-year-old resident was surprised to hear that she had won a medal in Bocce Ball. She attributed it to the fact that she used to have a huge yard that they would play Bocce Ball. Medal recipients were joined at the award ceremony by Kari Kerychuk, representing the Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories, who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. Kari offered hugs to all winners and no one turned the hug down.
Rutherford Heights Retirement Residence
Rutherford Heights Retirement Residence
Medal: Athletes Name: Score:
Gold: Mary 51
Silver: Ernie 48
Bronze: Bud 41
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Davina 111
Silver: Lena 97
Bronze: Barb 95
At Rutherford Heights the morning got off to an excellent start with healthy competition that produced 22 bowlers and cheerleaders with scores over 150! Later the Bocce Round Robin produced 16 competitors vying for medals. We were very impressed by the skills and talents demonstrated throughout the day! “Last year I received bronze and now I have won silver!” Competitors and spectators were joined at the award ceremony by Declan from the Parkinson Association of Alberta who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. Wii Bowling Silver Medalist Lena exclaimed: “my family will be so proud of me!”
Auburn Heights Retirement Residence
Auburn Heights Retirement Residence
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Helen S. 238.5
Silver: Janet O. 281
Bronze: Aileen C. 401
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Milan B. 215
Silver: Ursula G. 178
Bronze: Bob C. 134
At Auburn Heights the morning got off to an excellent start as the Round Robin produced 7 bowlers with scores over 175! Later the Bocce Round Rodin produced 9 competitors vying for medals. We were very impressed by the skills and talents demonstrated throughout the day! We had two bowler who tied twice before one moving on to the playoffs.” Competitors and spectators were joined at the award ceremony by Ruth Loughin, who is with the Canadian Transplant Association. Ruth participated from 2015 – 2019 in the world Canadian Transplant games as an athlete.
Sage Hill Retirement Residence
Sage Hill Retirement Residence
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Roxanne P. 148
Silver: Dutch VanT. 204
Bronze: Rita N. 248
Bocce – Supportive Winners
Medal: Athletes Name: Score:
Gold: Ronnie D. 74
Silver: Brenda B. 145
Bronze: Tom N 147
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Selma C. 173
Silver: Lorraine F. 172
Bronze: Peggy H. 154
Wii Bowling – Supportive Winners
Medal: Athletes Name: Score:
Gold: Noreen E. 166
Silver: John McC. 153
Bronze: Alberta L. 150
Competition is heating up here at Sage Hill! We had 15 Wii Bowlers and over 20 Bocce players competing for that illusive gold medal this morning! In the afternoon we were grateful to be joined by Connor Walsh from the Calgary Seniors Resource Society to learn more about his incredible organization. Connor later helped us award medals to our top athletes who were so proud to be on the podium at the 2020 games! Our resident Tom won a bronze medal in Bocce, which was the cherry on the top of his birthday today! Our highlight of the day was our Wii Bowling cheerleaders who donned pom poms as wigs and shouted encouraging words to the competitors! What a blast! @CalgarySeniors #allseniorscare #ASCSG2020 #yyc #retirementliving
Preston Park I Retirement Residence
Preston Park I Retirement Residence
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Jean T. 68
Silver: Lynn M. 83
Bronze: Richard J. 85
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Jim L. 247
Silver: Joyce D. 203
Bronze: Orval M. 190
Here at Preston Park, the morning got off to an excellent start as our Round Robin Wii Bowling event produced 24 bowlers with scores nearing 250! Later the Bocce Ball Round Robin produced 27 competitors vying for medals. We were very impressed by the skills, hard work and dedication demonstrated throughout the day! Resident Margaret who is 101 years young rolled right out of bed and into the bowling alley and swiftly bowled a Turkey! Competitors and spectators were joined at the award ceremony by Virginia Dakiniewich from Saskatoon Council on Aging, who presented medals for our Awards Ceremony and congratulated the winning athletes on their performances. Silver Medalist in Wii Bowling Joyce exclaimed: “Aren’t I lucky to be up here with these two handsome fellas!””
Preston Park II Retirement Residence
Preston Park II Retirement Residence
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Herb Z.
Silver: Barb G.
Bronze: Norm R.
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Norm R. 225
Silver: Sheila C. 194
Bronze: Herb Z. 166
At Preston Park 2, the morning got off to an excellent start as the Round Robin produced 20 bowlers with scores over 150! Later the Bocce Round Rodin produced 25 competitors vying for medals. We were very impressed by the skills and talents demonstrated throughout the day! We are apparently great bowlers under pressure. Someone made 3 strikes in the last frame to advance to the finals! Competitors and spectators were joined at the award ceremony by CHEP Good Food Inc., who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. Gold Medalist Norm R. exclaimed: “I can’t believe I scored over 200 in WII Bowling!”
College Park I Retirement Residence
College Park I Retirement Residence
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Chris O. 27”
Silver: Grace McV. 31”
Bronze: Jake F. 75”
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Gladys W. 212
Silver: Grace McV. 160
Bronze: Jake F. 144
At College Park Retirement Residence, the morning got off to an excellent start as the Round Robin produced 14 Wii bowlers! Later the Bocce Round Robin produced 18 competitors tying for medals. We were very impressed by the skills and talents demonstrated throughout the day! Amber MacL. “It’s so enjoyable to see neighbors that don’t usually come out to cheer on the friendly competition!” Competitors and spectators were joined at the award ceremony by Kelly Pierson with Parkinson’s Canada, who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. Gold Medalist Gladys W. exclaimed: “The Senior Games have been a lot of fun so far! I am looking forward to the rest of the week!”
College Park II Retirement Residence
College Park II Retirement Residence
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Matt C. 5’’
Silver: Fred W. 8’’
Bronze: Claude 13’’
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Kay D. 192
Silver: Ivor B 162
Bronze: Chuck H 160
At College Park 2, the morning got off to an excellent start as the Round Robin produced 12 bowlers with scores over 190! Later the Bocce Round Robin produced over 20 competitors vying for medals. We were very impressed by the skills and talents demonstrated throughout the day! Along with all the amazing athletes who came out to play, there were many residents to came to cheer on their neighbours from the sidelines! Competitors and spectators were joined at the award ceremony by Stacey from the MS Society, who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. Matt C. exclaimed after winning the gold medal “I’ve done it all, now!”
Victoria Landing Retirement Residence
Victoria Landing Retirement Residence
Medal: Athletes Name: Score:
Gold: Doreen N. 151 inches
Silver: Bea J. 176 inches
Bronze: Marg S. 360 inches
Ruth V. 360 inches
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Charlie S. 279
Silver: Donna G. 201
Bronze: Carol L. 161
At Victoria Landing Retirement Residence, the morning got off to an excellent start as the Round Robin produced 12 bowlers with scores over 160! Later the Bocce Round Rodin produced 16 competitors vying for medals. We were very impressed by the skills and talents demonstrated throughout the day! We are apparently great bowlers under pressure with a total of 96 strikes thrown during the tournament! Competitors and spectators were joined at the award ceremony by Arlene Wolfe from Diabetes Association who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. Bronze Medalist Carol L. exclaimed: “this throw will be silent and sneaky!”
Sturgeon Creek I Retirement Residence
Sturgeon Creek I Retirement Residence
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Vye D. 56”
Silver: Rilla R. 67”
Bronze: Agnes M. 77”
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Phyllis H. 189
Silver: Ian L. 186
Bronze: Sylvia K. 176
At Sturgeon Creek I we had 12 bowlers battle for medals. We had 26 bocce players battle for medals. The morning got off to an excellent start as the round robin produced 12 bowlers with a top score of 189! The cheers in the Theatre could be heard from the Dining Room as Bocce Ball was underway. Our bocce players laughed and cheered as they made their attempts at the perfect score. We can all agree that getting a strike in Wii-Bowling isn’t an easy task! Vye D. blew our minds during our morning round by getting a “6-Pack”. That’s six strikes in a row everyone, we didn’t even know that was a thing! Way to go, Vye! Competitors and spectators were joined at the award ceremony by Carol from the Alzheimer’s Society, who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. “Looks like I’ll be sleeping with a medal winner tonight” said Ruth when referring to her husband who took home a medal at today’s ceremony. We have the funniest residents; they always keep us laughing!
Sturgeon Creek II Retirement Residence
Sturgeon Creek II Retirement Residence
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Sandra N. 40
Silver: Ross C. 52
Bronze: Keith D. 85
At Sturgeon Creek II, we had an awesome start to the day, when 17 anxious competitors were competing for the medals in bocce ball. They were in awe of the size of the court, which was set up in the transformed dining room. We usually play on a much smaller scale court. The palina was thrown out in the first round by our bocce ball assistant, Yvonne S. The ball stopped quite a way down the court, and in the end presented a real challenge for most of the players. After 3 rounds of competition, 6 clear front runners were declared, and these proceeded to the play-off round. The scores were much tighter during the play-off round and our 3 winners were declared after 3 rounds of competition. An awesome finish to an awesome day 2!!! It was wonderful to see almost as many cheerleaders out to the bocce tournament as there were players. It is a testament to the wonderful support of our tenants for their peers. And I must say that the noise coming from the cheerleading section was just as loud as the noise coming from the competitors for one another. Competitors and spectators were joined at the medal ceremony by MLA Scott Johnston, who brought his greetings, shared a couple favorite family traditions, and assisted with the medal presentations. “How many more rounds will there be? It’s getting pretty close to lunch time and I think I could eat.”
River Ridge I Retirement Residence
River Ridge I Retirement Residence
Medal: Athlete’s Name:
Gold: Steina V.
Silver: Joe J.
Bronze: Mabel K.
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Mabel K. 186
Silver: Margaret M. 176
Bronze: Charles R. 180
The pins started flying early at River Ridge 1 as the scoreboard started filling with black bow ties and triangles! “4 in a row”, Turkey and Split Spare became common phrases! We were riding high on the victory scores of the morning (Margaret came in with a 223 and Mabel with a 201- the taste of a possible National Medal contention on our lips) only to see the alleys snatch away our reach for National glory in the afternoon finals! “The women have almost taken over the boards in Wii Bowling. Their time spent in training throughout the year has certainly proven effective! Competitors and spectators were joined at the award ceremony by Marilyn, Family Room Volunteer from Ronald McDonald House Charities, MB who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. After the scoring upset, when congratulating Gold Medalist Mabel K., they laughed as they talked about skill vs luck. Wii Bowling leader and Silver Medalist Margaret M exclaimed: ‘Funny how the harder you work the luckier you get!”
River Ridge II Retirement Residence
River Ridge II Retirement Residence
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Mrs. S. 69.5
Silver: Mrs. L. 83
Bronze: Mrs. B. 97.5
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Mr. A. 169
Silver: Mrs. K. 163
Bronze: Mrs. S. 151
At River Ridge II, the morning got off to a strong start as the Wii Bowling Round Robin produced a room full of competitors and supporters! The high energy and cheers were heard down the halls! In the afternoon, the Bocce Round Rodin produced focused competitors with the medals in mind! We were very impressed by the skills, talents, and sportsmanship demonstrated throughout the day! Wii Bowling and Bocce ball are regular programs here at RRII with some fierce participants throughout the year. The 2020 ASCSG also gave opportunity for a few newer players to join in on the competition. Residents, staff, and Palliative Manitoba representative, Lindsey Felstead, joined to support and cheer on our medalists. Great job everyone and thank you to all the competitors for coming out and giving it your best. We even had two residents in shock that they earned medals! “Don’t give up! You can do it. You never know what’s going to happen.” Mrs. L. supporting fellow competitors during Wii Bowling
Seine River Retirement Residence
Seine River Retirement Residence
Medal: Athletes Name: Score:
Gold: Flo C. 52
Silver: Carole M. 54
Bronze: Gordon N. 78
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Flo C. 187
Silver: Kathleen M. 183
Bronze: Theresa M. 171
At Seine River Retirement Residence, the morning got off to an excellent start as 15 people battled it out at the Bowling lanes! Later the Bocce tournament had 30 competitors vying for medals, with each shot outdoing the next. We were very impressed by the skills and talents demonstrated throughout the day! Mr. Gordon N. has never played bocce before this week, he decided to try it out for the games and ended up winning Bronze! Some people may say beginners’ luck, but we know that tenants at Seine River have raw talent and skill! Competitors and spectators were joined at the award ceremony by Diabetes Canada, who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. It has been so great to see the competitors come out, but also the amount of support and cheerleaders warms our hearts! Tenant Flo C. commented that Our Bocce game was a lot like Johnny Cash, as the balls kept ‘Walking the Line.”
Shaftesbury Park Retirement Residence
Shaftesbury Park Retirement Residence
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Attish M. 15
Silver: Margaret P. 17
Bronze: Owen T. 24
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Lillian G. 162
Silver: Attish M. 154
Bronze: Ruth G. 140
At Shaftesbury Park, the morning got off to an excellent start as the Round Robin produced 16 bowlers with scores all over the map! Later the Bocce Round Rodin produced 26 competitors vying for medals. We were very impressed by the skills and talents demonstrated throughout the day! Our cheerleaders came out in full force with their red pompoms, packing the theatre to cheer for their fellow residents. In true Shaftesbury Park tradition, the bowling playoff jitters got the best of our competitors. Our finalists this morning cruised through the round robin with scores over 200 and this afternoon our highest score was 162! Competitors and spectators were joined at the award ceremony by The Canadian Cancer Society who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. Our double medalist Dr. Maniar exclaimed during our medal presentation, “The only thing better than yesterday is today! Today is perfect.”
Cedarcroft Place Retirement Residence
Cedarcroft Place Retirement Residence
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Grace P. 67 inches
Silver: Jean E. 85 inches
Bronze: Barbara B. 90 inches
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Barbara M. 190 points
Silver: June E. 116 points
Bronze: John S. 110 points
At Cedarcroft Retirement Place, the morning got off to an excellent start as the Round Robin produced 8 bowlers with scores over 180! Later the Bocce Round Robin produced 12 competitors vying for medals. We were very impressed by the skills, talents, and cheering demonstrated throughout the day! “Sometimes if you talk nice to the Bowling Ball, it may give you a striking response” Competitors and spectators were joined at the award ceremony by Executive Director, Dan Vito, Health and Wellness Director, Leisha Higgins, and Falls Prevention Coordinator Melissa Becker from One Care who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances today! Gold Medalist Barb. M exclaimed: “I used to play in a bowling league and every time I fight with those tricky spares, but I beat them today”.
McCarthy Place Retirement Residence
McCarthy Place Retirement Residence
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Harold R. 15”
Silver: Carol M. 17”
Bronze: Joan W. 18”
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Evelyn M. 231
Silver: Margret B. 179
Bronze: Wendell S. 173
At McCarthy Place, the morning got off to an excellent start as the Round Robin produced 16 bowlers with scores over 210! Later the Bocce Round Robin produced 21 competitors vying for medals. We were very impressed by the skills and talents demonstrated throughout the day! Resident Forest C. has been awarded the nickname, Mr. Spare, as he almost always bowls a ‘nice spare!’ Competitors and spectators were joined at the award ceremony by Terri Philpot from One Care, who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances.
Beacon Heights Retirement Residence
Beacon Heights Retirement Residence
Medal: Athletes Name: Score:
Gold: Réjeanne D. 126 inches
Silver: Karina L. 196 inches
Bronze: Niki T. 229 inches
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Gisèle V. 195
Silver: Karina L. 168
Bronze: Bill U. 151
Care Floor – Pétanque-atout
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Anita S. 57
Silver: Pauline T. 56
Bronze: Chris P. 53
The morning got off to an excellent start at Beacon Heights, 9 bowlers battled for medals. The competition was getting heated we had to pursue the playoffs to get the final top 3 winners. Mrs. Van T. took home the gold once again this year. Everyone is waiting in suspense to find out which resident and home will be taking the national medals this year. We had 12 bocce players that participated this afternoon and we also had a nice surprise visit from CTV news, who came to watch our bocce players compete and interviewed some of the residents after the game. Mrs. Moyra Lauzière, from the Heart & Stroke Foundation came to present some great tools on how to keep the heart healthy, and on how to prevent heart disease, strokes and heart attacks. She also, mentioned that it was great seeing all the residents keeping active and participating in the senior games and emphasized the importance of staying active.
Chapel Hill Retirement Residence
Chapel Hill Retirement Residence
Medal: Athletes Name: Score:
Gold: David E. 61 inches
Silver: Paulette J. 97 inches
Bronze: Anita L. 117 inches
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Hélène B. 188
Silver: Doug H. 182
Bronze: Barbara B. 180
At Chapel Hill Retirement Residence, the morning got off to an excellent start as the Round Robin produced 12 bowlers with scores over 200! Later the Bocce Round Robin produced 15 competitors vying for medals. We were very impressed by the skills and talents demonstrated throughout the day! Bowling is our favourite competition at Chapel Hill! So many friends joined us to cheer on the athletes. Some were even excited to give it a try for the first time! Competitors and spectators were joined at the award ceremony by Constable Marc Leroux of the Ottawa Police Service who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. Silver Medalist in Bowling Doug H. exclaimed: “I can’t believe I came in second place! This is my first time playing!”
The Courtyards on Eagleson
The Courtyards on Eagleson Retirement Residence
Horse Shoes
Medal: Athlete’s Name:
Gold: Lorraine S.
Silver: Norma R.
Bronze: Louise L.
The 41 Jockeys and Horses were lined up at the Gate promptly at 10:00 this morning, the horses rearing in anticipation of the Day 2 Horse Race Competition at The Courtyards on Eagelson. All horses were neck and neck for most of the race until our three winners started to break away from the pack. In the home stretch, the three leading horses jockeyed for the lead. Lorraine S overtook Norma R and Louise L to cross the finish line first, with Norma R a tail’s length behind to secure second place while Louise L breezed across the finish line just a nose behind to earn her a solid third place. Residents cheered each other on as they each took turns rolling the dice to advance their horse. Some jockeys had various good luck gesture, Joe DeP tried to flex his muscles and Jean M hoped to gain points by kissing the dice before tossing. Our dedicated volunteers swapped out the customary fascinators for Pom Poms, which they shook with enthusiasm to the joy of everyone at the Races. Bill Shoemaker is the oldest jockey to win the Kentucky Derby, at 54 aboard Ferdinand in 1986. Today, Lorraine S beat that record by a landslide as our Gold Medalist today will be 101 in just over 10 weeks time. Way to go Lorraine, nothing can hold you back! Jockeys and spectators were joined at the award ceremony by Rachel Borzechi of Solva Senior Living, who congratulated all our athletes and honoured our three winners with their medals.
Cité Parkway Retirement Residence
Cite Parkway Retirement Residence
Medal: Athletes Name: Score:
Gold: Jean H. 11 inches
Silver: Therese S. 20 inches
Bronze: Helene C. 25 inches
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Pierre L. 178
Silver: Elmer S. 141
Bronze: Richard C. 135
Ladder Golf (Care Floors)
Medal: Athletes Name:
Gold: Andre Fronton
Silver: Noreen Wheeler
Bronze: Alma Gratton
At Cite Parkway Retirement Residence shouts & screams could be heard throughout the building as the Round Robin produced 5 bowlers with scores over 150, with a tie for first place with 189! Later the Bocce Round Rodin produced 6 competitors vying for medals, and a heated competition after lunch had the halls echoing with cheers! Participant Cecile L. exclaimed: “I’ve heard ignorance is bliss, my first-time playing Bocce Ball and I was 20 inches from the Palina on my first shot!” Competitors, spectators and& staff were joined at the award ceremony by Krista Duncan of the Parkinson’s Society who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their hard-earned medals! One resident reminisced: “I remember pranking my sister every April Fools Day for 20 years while we lived at home. At the age of 81, I still try to get a prank on her every chance I get!”
Résidences de la Gappe, Phase 1
Résidence de la Gappe – Phase I
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Monsieur Roger P. 7200
Silver: Monsieur Ronald F. 5750
Bronze: Monsieur Paul N. 2650
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Madame Juliette G. 186
Silver: Monsieur Paul N. 156
Bronze: Monsieur Roger P. 110
At Résidence de la Gappe phase 1 , 13 sandbag players competed for medals and we had 2 new players this year. Once again this year Mrs. Juliette G. at 99 years young wins the gold medal at the WII Bowling, how proud we are of her performance! Bowlers were joined at the award ceremony by Alzheimer Society of Outaouais who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances.
Résidences de la Gappe, Phase 2
Résidence de la Gappe – Phase II
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Pierre M. 5,000
Silver: Françoise L. 1,900
Bronze: Jacques C. 1,800
At La Gappe Phase-2, we had 29 athlete competitors entered in Sandbags. A resident who loves the game of sandbag so much, arrived 1 hour before the activity, she was worried that there was no one for the competition, so she spent the time practicing. Two of our residents who don’t see each other very often (they’re not on the same floor, but thanks to the Seniors’ games this week they both came down) were so happy to see each other they were shouting from one side of the room to the other to talk to each other… We put them together for the rest of the day! It was really a beautiful day and people were happy to be here.
Résidences de la Gappe, Phase 3
Résidence de la Gappe – Phase III & IV
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Monsieur L. 4700
Silver: Monsieur R. 2300
Bronze: Monsieur D. 2000
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Madame M. 177
Silver: Monsieur T. 156
Bronze: Monsieur A. 148
At Résidences de la Gappe, Phase 3 & 4, 20 bowlers and 24 Sand baggers who battled for medals. The morning got off to an excellent start as the competition produced 6 strikes with scores over 193! We were very impressed by her skill and talents! Mr. L., every time he had a score of 500 on the sandbag, he would dance for us. Mr. D. made us laugh this morning when he played Wii bowling with his last shot, and he did it with splendor and elegance. A real professional! Bowlers were joined at the award ceremony by Louise from Parkinson Society, who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances.
Résidences de la Gappe, Phase 4
Résidence de la Gappe – Phase III & IV
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Monsieur L. 4700
Silver: Monsieur R. 2300
Bronze: Monsieur D. 2000
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Madame M. 177
Silver: Monsieur T. 156
Bronze: Monsieur A. 148
At Résidences de la Gappe, Phase 3 & 4, 20 bowlers and 24 Sand baggers who battled for medals. The morning got off to an excellent start as the competition produced 6 strikes with scores over 193! We were very impressed by her skill and talents! Mr. L., every time he had a score of 500 on the sandbag, he would dance for us. Mr. D. made us laugh this morning when he played Wii bowling with his last shot, and he did it with splendor and elegance. A real professional! Bowlers were joined at the award ceremony by Louise from Parkinson Society, who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances.
Château Symmes Retirement Residence
Château Symmes
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Carmel L. 130
Silver: Helene D. 108
Bronze: Olga P. 104
Wii Bowling
Medal: Athlete’s Name: Score:
Gold: Ruby W. 180
Silver: Myron Z. 166
Bronze: Helene D. 157
We were very impressed with the skills and talents demonstrated throughout the day! “Our ED Diane Chabot, presenting the medals with a very serious manner, started as follows: “In 1st place: Gold medals: Diane Chabot,”, everyone had an uncontrollable laughter. Our Chef de Mission Carmel Levesque has won a lot of medals in the past but never gold, she finally exclaimed gold, 2020 is my year … “. Mrs. P., Bronze medalist, said: this gold is too heavy, I risk breaking my column, but I keep it the same, because it is my pride. @Château Symmes ca swing
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