Summer wouldn’t be the same without lemonade. When the weather is hot, there’s nothing that can quench your thirst like a cold glass of the refreshing drink. Read ahead to see how you can make yourself a big batch of lemonade, and what ingredients you can add to turn a traditional recipe on its head.
Lemonade 101:
When you’re making lemonade, you have to do it the old-fashioned way. Store-bought lemonade just isn’t the same. To get started on your recipe, you need these ingredients:
- Lemons
- White sugar
- Water
- Ice
Don’t pour the white sugar directly into the pitcher. It doesn’t dissolve well inside of liquid, so your drink will taste grainy. Instead, you’re going to want to make a simple syrup from white sugar and water — this will blend into the drink and make it taste delicious. Put a cup of sugar and a cup of water into a saucepan on the stovetop. Heat the pan and stir the ingredients until the grains dissolve and form a smooth syrup. Then, take it off the stovetop.
Juice lemons until you get one cup of lemon juice. Pour the juice into a clean pitcher. Dilute with two or three cups of water, and then add your simple syrup. Stir until everything is combined
Give it a taste test. If it’s too watery or too sweet, add more lemon juice. If it’s too sour, add more water or simple syrup. You can always make adjustments so that it’s the right combination for you.
Don’t forget to add ice to your glass to keep it nice and cool. It will be the perfect fix for humid afternoons.
Lemonade with a Twist:
Add Fizz
An easy way to give your lemonade a boost is to swap out the tap water with carbonated water when following the recipe. Or, if you’re looking to make a light cocktail, swap the water with sparkling wine.
Make It a Cocktail
A splash of booze will turn this classic summer drink into an incredible cocktail. You could make a bourbon lemonade cocktail or a fizzy gin lemonade or even a vodka lemonade with a handful of frozen blueberries.
Make It a Float
If you’re craving something sweet, put a scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream into your glass of fizzy lemonade and make it a float. Or choose a more adventurous flavour. A raspberry sorbet or strawberry gelato could be a great addition to your summery drink.
Sprinkle in Some Herbs
Herbs can bring some more freshness to your lemonade. If you have an herb garden in your backyard or sitting on your windowsill, take a moment to snip some stems and spice up your recipe. Toss in a handful of mint leaves into the pitcher. Or stir in a few sprigs of rosemary, thyme, or tarragon. For a stronger flavour, cook the herbs in the simple syrup.
Summer at All Seniors Care
Sipping on chilled glasses of lemonade isn’t the only summer activity that residents of All Seniors Care will be doing this season. There are plenty of outdoor parties, events, and activities planned so that everyone soaks in the sunshine and makes wonderful memories. Click here to see what your local All Seniors Care Living Centre is doing in the upcoming weeks and click here to see how you can make the most of the summer before it’s over.
Explore our website to find out general senior living advice and to read details about facilities across the country. You can learn information about senior residences at Chapel Hill, Auburn Heights, River Ridge, Preston Park, and more. Click here to see more potential housing for your loved ones and here to learn more about us and our goals.
When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. And if you have a few extra ingredients on hand, you can make that lemonade tastier than ever.