The entire country is dealing with cases of COVID-19. Doctors, nurses, and government officials are doing their best to slow the spread, and you can do your part, too. Follow these tips to prevent the spread of COVID -19 and to keep yourself and others safe.
Social Distancing
COVID-19 is very contagious, so walking into a crowded area is not a good idea. This is why the government has cancelled large-scale events like parades, concerts, and sports games. Even smaller gatherings, like house parties, should be put on hold. To stay safe, you should practice social distancing.
What is social distancing? It means limiting any interaction with people that you do not live with. You should not gather in groups. Only go out for essential trips like getting groceries. You should stay at home as much as possible.
Social distancing is essential for protecting groups that are vulnerable to the virus, including seniors and people with compromised immune systems. Seniors should try to stay away from anyone that they do not live with, even if they’re family. They should also avoid going into outdoor spaces where they could be too close to other people. For safety, keep 2 metres of space between you and another person.
Our senior retirement communities have features that will make staying home easier. Our facilities have dining services, housekeeping services, pharmacies, on-site doctors, and nurses so that residents don’t have to leave the comfort of their suites unless they have to.
Social distancing will be the hardest tip to follow, but it’s worth it. If you don’t interact with anyone who has the virus, you will not get infected.
Wash Your Hands
Wash your hands often. The easiest way for the virus to get around is on your hands, transferred from contaminated surfaces or other people. To keep your hands safe and clean, wash them thoroughly with soap and water. Watch this video of Dr. Sanjay Gupta demonstrating exactly how you should be washing your hands.
Don’t Touch Your Face
Touching your nose, mouth, or eyes is how the virus gets into your system. So, one of the best ways to keep yourself safe for the time being is to try not to touch your face. If you must touch your face — maybe you have an itchy nose or an eyelash in your eye — wash your hands first.
Learn more about what All Seniors Care is doing to help our residents through these stressful times. Click here to learn about our senior residences in Ottawa, retirement homes in Hamilton, nursing homes in Saskatoon, and retirement homes in Quebec. You can click here to see a spotlight on senior living costs to see how our homes compare to other senior housing options. And if you want to lend a helping hand, you can click here to see how you can volunteer with our residents in the future.
As long as you practice social distancing, wash your hands, and avoid touching your face, you should be able to avoid COVID-19. These three simple things will keep you safe and healthy until the country has flattened the curve, and the spread is under control.