Every autumn we revel in the beauty of the fall colors. The mixture of red, purple, orange and yellow captivate our attention until the wind and rains knock them from the trees, leaving nearly-bare branches. Once fallen, their crisp crunch underfoot reminds us that winter is coming.
It’s also the time of year when pumpkins travel across the country – from fields to homes – as people of all ages are swept away by magic and mystery.
Halloween holds a special significance in seniors’ lives. For many, the yearly spook-fest is an opportunity to re-live youthful memories of All Hallows Eves past while watching with wonder as grandchildren delight in dressing up and trick-or-treating.
With many communities facing restrictions this year, things are looking a bit different. At All Seniors Care retirement communities, Activity Directors (ADs) are responsible for planning the fun and celebrations for each holiday. This season, they’ve turned their creative minds to designing festivities with a Covid-19 twist so that seniors can enjoy the night safely.
Ready for some serious thrills and chills? Enjoy these tips from the All Seniors Care Activity Directors on how to put your own special twist on this thrilling Celtic festival.
#1 Ghostly Halloween Crafts
Halloween is an excellent time to plan a fun craft activity. Transform your home into a haunted house with these creative crafts for adults ideas. From pumpkins and ghosts to witches and skulls, there are a hundred spooky craft concepts to be found on-line. Residents at Victoria Landing in Manitoba will be creating ghostly decorations using cheese cloth to created a spooky feeling around the residence. Always keen for some friendly competition, prizes will be given out for most ghoulish suite door.
#2 Costumes on Parade 
Halloween parades are a festive way to celebrate the spookiest season of the year. With Trick-or-Treating canceled in many provinces, what better way to have some fun than with a socially distant costume parade? Keep an eye on our social media for pictures of all the excitement!
Shaftesbury Park Retirement Residence is getting creative with masks. Building on the theme of MASKarade, residents will be decorating masks in true Mardi Gras style! Participants will model their creations at a photoshoot, followed by a parade, themed refreshments, and topped off with prizes for best mask.
#3 Go on a Spook-tacular Scavenger Hunt
There are many creative alternatives to door-to-door candy collection. Our favorite option? A Halloween-themed scavenger hunt. With some forward planning, and a little bit of work, it’s a fun way to get into the spirit. The most important thing is to get everything you need in advance so there’s no scrambling for things to hide on the day of the hunt. Think clues, prizes and some decent hiding places.
At the end of the hunt, it’s only natural that everyone will be hungry for a snack. Take a page out of River Ridge I’s menu where our chefs will be whipping up Witch Finger Pretzels, Graveyard Chocolate Cheesecake Dip, and a Sweet + Salty Halloween surprise. Revelers be wary – caldrons will be overflowing with Dragon’s Blood Punch.
#4 Reverse Trick-or-Treat
Halloween is the perfect holiday for those with a sweet tooth. It’s no secret that some adults buy their favorite Halloween chocolates secretly hoping that trick-or-treater turnout will be light so that they can polish off the rest themselves. This is especially true of people who don’t have their own children to pilfer from.
In a relatively new practice called reverse trick-or-treating, you open the door on Halloween to a pint-size Dracula.
At our Beacon Heights residence, managers will be knocking on doors pre-parade deliver door-to-door bagged candy, Witches Brew Mocktail, and/or their infamous witches trivia.
#5 Haunting Movies
When night falls, there’s no better way to scare yourself silly than having a classic horror movie night. Line up some favourites and get ready to dive into the night’s loot. For those with a more cautious soul, Hocus Pocus, Caroline, or The Addams Family are great ways to end an eerie evening.
Whatever you love most about the season, whether it’s costumes, sweets, or scary movies, there’s plenty to do this October to get into the spirit of things.
If you’re looking for senior homes near you where people really get into the holidays, it’s time to give All Seniors Care Living Centres a visit. If you’re looking for senior communities in Ottawa, you’ll find both the Chapel Hill senior community and Cite Parkway residence worth exploring, but we also have communities in Calgary, Edmonton, London, Stratford, Winnipeg, Brandon, Aylmer, and Gatineau.
Writer: Julianna McLeod