Day 1 – Opening Ceremony & Walk and Roll
Day 1 – Opening Ceremony & Walk and Roll
Auburn Heights Retirement Residence
At Auburn Heights, a total of 117 walkers and rollers, some doing stairs and some using elevators, took part in the event this morning. Everyone had a great time comparing their stickers and boasting about how great their group was at “doing the distance!” Team 5 was the largest and they had lots of smiles when they completed their trek, and they were the loudest! Residents who are three year veterans were telling our newer arrivals that the fun is only beginning. Our residents from our Memory Care Floor also walked multiple lengths of their floor so they could get their stickers as well. Opening Ceremonies were well attended. We had the pleasure of hosting All Seniors Care Living Centres’ Mr. Benjamin Somerville and our MLA Mr. Rick Fraser. Both gentlemen were a tremendous hit with all the residents. Walking challenges were flying. Both have been invited back as soon as they are able, to have more fun and laughter with all of us at Auburn. The Laughter Yoga and the walk had resident Bill exclaim, “My face and my feet have never had a happier workout!”
Sage Hill Retirement Residence
At Sage Hill everyone was so hyped at the start but were suddenly the excitement increased when Harvey, the mascot of Calgary Flames, joined 95 residents and staff for the walk and roll testing themselves to see what their final distance would be. This year we walked and rolled with music, residents danced on the hallways while enjoying the pictures posted on the walls. The independent residents walked the 4 floors then ended up enjoying our entertainment on the main floor by Alma Lu Alma. Lots of dancing and fun. Athletes and Volunteers were joined at the Opening ceremony by The Honour Honourable Lois Mitchell Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, and our Deputy Mayor Mr. Ward Sutherland along with other community, business and government dignitaries who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. With the Games officially open everyone at Sage Hill Retirement Residence is looking forward to the week ahead of competition. You can feel the excitement in the air! The theme this year is “Laughter is The Best Medicine” and Our Chef du Mission, Mr. Norman Kaminski, shared this joke from Sunday School Class:
Teacher: class, do you know where God lives?
Johnny: yes teacher “in the bathroom”
Teacher: how do you know that is where He lives?
Johnny: well, every time my dad goes into the bathroom for a long time – My mother knocks on the door and says “My God are you still there?”
Lewis Estates Retirement Residence
At Lewis Estates Retirement Residence, we had about 45 walkers with most walking all three floors twice as they encouraged each other to do the same! Most of the residents were very happy and proud of themselves to hear that walking all floors equaled 2 kilometres! It was exciting to see Fern K. and Grace L. come down to join the rest of the resident for the walk as Fern has not been well for months and Grace Knee’s has been bothering her. Barbara C. was the lucky winner of a special raffle draw courtesy of Hawkstone Pharmacy. The Opening Ceremony was also well attended as residents and guests enjoyed the music of the Harmony Kings. Everyone then gathered as our special guests Minister of Seniors Affairs, Lori Sigurdson; All Seniors Care Executive Vice President of Operations, Joshua Kuhl; MLA Jon Carson, and; City Councillors Andrew Knack and Mike Nickel were piped to the dining room to get the games officially under way. We are looking forward to a weeklong friendly, competitive activates based on the energy and excitement in the building.
Laurel Heights Retirement Residence
At Laurel Heights, we had 54 walkers making the trek, with the help of our wonderful HCA Students getting many of our residents in wheel chairs rolling this year. Smiles on the residents faces seeing all their portraits and jokes on the wall. Mr. W. even commented that it was like a real-life version of “Where’s Waldo” trying to find himself and friends among the hallways. “Why do seniors not have very much energy? Because the grandchildren siphon it to have over the top energy”. At our Opening Ceremony athletes and volunteers were joined by Ms. Lori Sigurdson, Minister of Seniors and Housing; Ms. Denise Wollard, MLA Edmonton Mill Creek; Mr. Moe Banga- City Councillor- Ward 12, and; Mr. Joshua Kuhl – All Seniors Care Living Centres Senior Executive Vice-President of Operations who all participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. The theme this year is “Laughter is The Best Medicine” and as we engage in a week of living and laughing we will celebrate our with residents “I don’t know how 77-year-old me is supposed to compete with all the young 70-year old’s; I guess I’ll just have to beat all the young folk.”
St. Albert Retirement Residence
At St. Albert Retirement Residence, we were led by Ms. Maxine R. as all residents walk each of the 5 floors, in two different groups!! Energy was running high, and many laughs were had!
Residents really enjoyed hearing the piper at the beginning of the ceremonies. Many of them were seen laughing and smiling, some even dancing. Athletes and Volunteers were joined at the Opening ceremony by St. Albert Mayor Cathy Heron and MLA Marie Renaud who helped us get the Games officially opened so everyone at St. Albert Retirement Residence can look forward to the week ahead of competition. Staff and residents alike really enjoyed the joke at the end of the ceremony. One of our recreation staff, Ram, said that “she had to hide herself a bit to contain her laughter.”
Rutherford Heights Retirement Residence
At Rutherford Heights Retirement Residence we had 77 walkers making the trek, with new resident, Marnie S. walking the floors twice and encouraging all the remaining participants to cross the finish line. When we asked how her 1st games experience has been thus far, she exclaimed “I am so excited for the rest of the week… I might not be able to sleep tonight!”
This afternoon’s Trivia practice turned into a discussion of who had the funniest Joke today at the open ceremonies as everyoone agreed City Councillor Tim Cartmell won with: “Why did the golfer bring 2 pairs of pants to the round? Answer: In case he got a hole in one.” At our Opening Ceremony athletes and volunteers were joined by Ms. Lori Sigurdson, Minister of Seniors and Housing; Mr. Mike Lake, Member of Parliament for Edmonton-Wetaskiwin; Mr. Thomas Dang, MLA Southwest; Mr. Tim Cartmell, City Councillor Ward 9, and; Mr. Joshua Kuhl – All Seniors Care Living Centres Senior Executive Vice-President of Operations who all participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances.
Summerwood Village Retirement Residence
At Summerwood Village, we had 24 walkers making the trek. The water table people greeted us with big smiles! The residents at Summerwood Village enjoyed walking the halls, listening to the jokes as they passed our station. It was extra exercise walking and laughing at the same time. The pictures on display were of our residents preparing to compete in the Games – great reminders of the fun we’ve had this past year. Joining us at today’s Opening ceremony were Mayor of Sherwood Park, Rod Frank; City Councillor Linton Delainey; City Councillor Katie Berghofer; MLA Estafania Cortes-Vargas; RCMP Constable Chantelle Kelly; Family Community Services representative Doneka Simmons; Charlie Teeuwsen from Rotary Club of Sherwood Park, and; Kathy Blink and Karen Crothers from the 55+ Club of Sherwood Park who participated in throwing the bocce ball as a kick off to the games. With the Games officially open everyone at Summerwood Village is looking forward to the week ahead of competition. The laughter yoga was great! It set a great tone in our building. Laughter can really help keep us young at heart!
Preston Park I Retirement Residence
At Preston Park I, we had 40 walkers making the trek, with Norma walking as many floors just as fast as she could while keeping a close eye on everyone else participation stickers kept her motivated! After receiving 7 stickers she sat down for the Opening ceremony with a giant smile on her face, showing off all of her stickers. When Laughter Yoga finished, Marguerite exclaimed with a big grin on her face “Everyone should have been there! I feel great!”
Recap of Opening Ceremony:
Athletes and Volunteers were joined at the Opening ceremony by MLA Lisa Lambert who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. With the Games officially open everyone at Preston Park I Retirement Residence is looking forward to the week ahead of competition. You can feel the excitement in the air! Gerry exclaimed, when hearing this year’s theme: “yes! Laughter sure is the best medicine, everyone needs to laugh more.”
Preston Park II Retirement Residence
At Preston Park 2 we had 75 walkers making the trek, putting themselves to the test to see what their final distance would be. We had Dick S. walk all 6 floors 2 times which is just another example of the enthusiasm the residents here at Preston Park 2 have towards the Games. Building pride is running high here this week. Our Chef De Mission, Barry Fields gave a heartfelt and inspiring speech at the opening ceremonies which had 150 people in attendance. Barry got everyone really excited for upcoming week of friendly competition, with: “The 6 W`s…. Work Will Win When Wishing Won`t.” Helping us get the Games started at the Opening Ceremony were community dignitaries Lisa Lambert, MLA Saskatoon Churchill Grasswood; Carl Melnyk, Representative for MP Kevin Waugh; Larry Vols – Inspector with Saskatoon Police Service, and;
Sandy Lauder, VP of Operations All Seniors Care. With the Games officially open everyone at Preston Park 2 is looking forward to the week ahead of competition. You can feel the excitement in the air! Barry Fields exclaimed: “Don`t forget to have fun while you are competing. “Why did the umpire eject the Chicken from the baseball field? Answer: Because of its Fowl play.”
College Park I Retirement residence
We had 76 year old Gloria Lang walk all 4 floors 2 times which is just another example of the enthusiasm the residents here at College Park Retirement Residence have towards the Games. Building pride is running high here this week. 99 year old Gladys T. collected all of her stickers for the day. It was a challenge, but she made all the way. Athletes and Volunteers were joined at the Opening ceremony by Christine Tell, MLA, Minister of Central Services, Minister responsible for Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation and Minister responsible for the Provincial Capital Commission who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. The theme this year is “Laughter is The Best Medicine”, 81 year old Irene S. our 2018 Chef du Mission was worried she would not be able to do a good job, but when day one came to a close she had hit it out of the ball park, we are all so proud of her!
College Park II Retirement residence
At College Park II, we had over 80 walkers making the trek, with students from St. Augustine helping the residents throughout the route – they even joined us for a dance party afterwards!
Our Pet Therapy dog, Bailey, helped bring smiles to the walker’s faces as her owner Darla handed out stickers for walking the floor! Athletes and Volunteers were joined at the Opening ceremony by Christine Tell, MLA, Minister of Central Services, Minister responsible for Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation and Minister responsible for the Provincial Capital Commission who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances.
With the Games officially open everyone at College Park II is looking forward to the week ahead of competition. You can feel the excitement in the air! Marlene A. exclaimed: “Everyone did such a good job – everything was perfect. Best day ever!”
Victoria Landing Retirement Residence
At Victoria Landing, we had 47 walkers making the trek, with Mrs. Lily R. walking all 4 floors 3 times each which is just another example of the enthusiasm the residents here at Victoria Landing have towards the Games. Building pride is running high here this week. Mrs. Marjorie C. at 101yrs stated “steady finishes the walk” as she marched on to collect stickers from each floor. Athletes and Volunteers were joined at the Opening ceremony by MLA Brandon East – Len Isleifson and City of Brandon Mayor Rick Crest who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. Mrs. Verna Kieper exclaimed: “it’s worth walking this floor to get both a sticker and a hug from the Brandon Wheat Kings players” as she walked the famous third floor 3 times over!
Sturgeon Creek II Retirement residence
At Sturgeon Creek II, we had in excess of 50 walkers with walking assistant, Agnes K. at 102 years young, leading the walk, and showing the “young ones” how things are done!!! She walked all 4 floors before sitting down for a break!!! Walkers and rollers were thrilled to be cheered on by the mascots from the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and the Winnipeg Jets. Many fun photo opportunities presented themselves and much laughter could be heard all around the building. Athletes and Volunteers were joined at the Opening ceremony by MLA Scott Fielding; City Councillor Shawn Dobson; Winnipeg Police Chief Danny Smithe; Staff Sargent Darren Carlson, and; Executive Director of the Winnipeg Military Family Resource Center, Joel Roy. With the Games officially open everyone at SC II is looking forward to the week ahead of competition. You can feel the excitement in the air! The resounding theme from the speakers of the day: “When you laugh, many good things happen. Best of all, it is infectious.” Joel Roy, ED, Winnipeg Military Family Resource Center, walked the entire building with the walkers and rollers, and encouraged everyone in the audience who had not had the chance to go through the building, to do so as that they too might enjoy pictures of happy, laughing smiling tenants and all the one liners along the walking path.
Seine River Retirement Residence
At Seine River Retirement Residence around 9:30 this morning the Front Lobby was buzzing! Everyone was down in their white ASC Senior Games T shirts and ready to start this week with a bang! At 10:00 our nametags were on, our water table special guests were introduced and our walkers started out with gusto! Tenants laughed and sang while they walked the halls and had a great time! When Chef de Mission Mary Boyce was told she was walking the wrong way, she exclaimed, ‘No, everyone else is! Plus this way I can High Five people as I go!!” We finished off the morning with some great entertainment and then a talk by Dr. Andrea Villafranca Johnson about Living a Healthy Lifestyle! Athletes and Volunteers were joined at the Opening ceremony MLA Janice Morley LeComte; MLA Colleen Mayer; City Councilor Brian Mayes, and; Inspector Sutherland & Cadets who participated in starting this week off with laughter and cheer. Laurine E. exclaimed after finishing Laughter yoga, “I have never felt better!” The laughter was infectious, to those in the room, and those passing by, you couldn’t help but giggle with the hysterical laughter that was heard and the funny faces that were being made!
River Ridge I Retirement Residence
At River Ridge I, we had 64 walkers making the trek, putting themselves to the test to see what their final distance would be. One group showed up on the 6th floor without a leader……we asked what happened as we affixed their stickers and they said, she wasn’t keeping up so we left her behind!! After the Opening Ceremonies, lunch with VIPS and walking with Olympic athletes, the tenants danced up a storm to the entertainers……..Virginia P., Ellen S. and Steina V. all looked over from the dance floor when the music stopped and asked, ”what’s next????” Athletes and Volunteers were joined at the Opening ceremony by Mayor Brian Bowman, City of Winnipeg; Nic Curry, MLA Kildonan; Cindy Lamoureux, MLA Burrows; Inspector Blunden, WPS; Inspector Mathews, WPS; Desiree Scott, 2x Olympian Team Canada; Trevor Kennerd, Winnipeg Blue Bombers and Hall of Fame; Andrew Collier, GM Winnipeg Gold Eyes, and; Daria Zmiyiwski and her team from The Winnipeg Sun. With the Games officially open, Don L., Chef de Mission quipped: “Before a man gets married, he is incomplete. After he’s married, he’s really finished!”
River Ridge II Retirement Residence
At River Ridge II the attendance was high during our 1st Official Opening Ceremonies here. It was a pleasure to have several dignitaries here to wish the residents well in the Games and to cheer on our residents during our non-competitive walk and roll. All the residents left the Opening Ceremonies on a positive note and ready to start the Games! After our nutritious lunch, we participated in Laughter Yoga for the first time here at River Ridge II. Everyone’s bellies where full of laughter in preparation for the Games. It was great to see our Trivia Assistant, Eileen D. walk into our Official Opening Ceremonies with purple balloons and the ASCSG Flag proudly decorated on her walker! Joining us today were: Tricia Charles, All Seniors Care Living Centres VP of Manitoba; MLA Nic Curry; MLA Blair Yakimoski; MLA Cindy Lamoureux; Police Inspectors Blunden and Mathews; Constables Modozie and Smith, and; Donna Korad from Palliative Care Manitoba. The theme this year is “Laughter is The Best Medicine” and Anita C. noted in Laughter Yoga class, “I am always goofy and Laughter Yoga feels just like home!”
Shaftesbury Park Retirement Residence
At Shaftesbury Park Retirement Residence, we had Rachel Greenberg walk each floor twice, which is just another example of the enthusiasm the residents here at Shaftesbury Park have towards the Games. Our non-competitive walk and roll turned a little competitive as residents were eager to see who could collect the most stickers from each floor. Even the Shaftesbury pets got in on the action and walked the halls! Jim Evanchuk, Executive Director from ALCOA, followed up his greetings from our athletes led us in a fun activity combining humor and fitness where we sang and squatted “My body lies over the couch” to the theme of “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean”. Athletes and Volunteers were joined at the Opening ceremony by MLA Heather Stefansson, MLA Cliff Graydon, City Councillor Marty Morantz, Joel Roy, ED Family Resources 17 Wing, Inspector Anderson, Winnipeg Police Service, Tricia Charles, VP Manitoba ASC, Jim Evanchuk, ED ALCOA, Lance Latane & Karen Heindrich – MB 55+ Games, Rena Molinari, Director of Victoria Hospital Foundation, and Agatha Rohs, Presidents of the Charleswood 55+ Centre. With the Games officially open everyone at Shaftesbury Park is looking forward to the week ahead of competition. You can feel the excitement in the air! Residents were laughing all afternoon following our comedian, Matt Falk’s performance, especially Mrs. K., who is celebrating her 100th birthday this year, joined our water table volunteers, the Winnipeg Fire Service on the First Floor and chuckled along with them as she exclaimed, “he’s the funniest comedian I’ve ever heard!”
Cedarcroft Place Retirement Residence
At Cedarcroft Place Retirement Residents we had 25 walkers making the trek, putting themselves to the test to see what their final distance would be. We had Mrs. L. walk all the floors twice which is just another example of the enthusiasm the residents here at Cedarcroft Place have towards the Games. Mrs. K. who at the young age of 102, couldn’t wait to get up dancing when the entertainer was playing after the opening ceremonies! Athletes and Volunteers were joined at the Opening ceremony by Justine Nater, wife of John Nater (Perth Wellington MP), Hannah Silver, All Seniors Care Living Centres Vice President of Resident Programming, and Police Constables Stewart and Keating who participated in congratulating the athletes on their performances. When Mrs. M saw the police officers here, she stated “I better be on my best behaviour or else they may put handcuffs on me.”
Beacon Heights Retirement Residence
At Beacon Heights we started our day with a “Laughter Yoga” session with Sophie Terrasse. It was fun and surprisingly “gave us” a work out… about 25 residents attended. After all that laughing our musician, André Gareau, played the guitar and sent the crowd on the walk singing. We had about 35-40 residents who participated in the “Walk and Roll”. The most active residents were led by Réjeanne Desforges and walk 4 floors and then used the stairwell to come down. The opening ceremonies started with the parade of dignitaries lead by the piper Graham Ogilvy. We had the pleasure of having Monique Laflamme, Regional Marketing Director, City Councillor Tim Tierney, and Lt-Colonel Dave Gowdy. Many of our residents are experiencing the Seniors Games for the first time and they thought it was great to have such a ceremony. Once the speeches and the official throw of bocce ball were done our Chef de Mission, Mr. Jean-Paul Allain, declared the Seniors Games officially opened. Everyone cheered on and we had a marvellous lunch…Thank you to Chef Markus and his team for such a great meal. Now we are getting ready for the competition…
Chapel Hill Retirement Residence
At Chapel Hill Retirement Residence, we had dozens of walkers excitedly searching for their fun photos and jokes posted on our hallway walls. Residents were so excited to walk the halls and some started early this morning in hopes of catching the first glimpse! One of our Residents could not get over how beautiful he was with the snapchat filter that showed how his face would look with false eyelashes and lipstick, he was disappointed however that he was STILL not as pretty as his wife. With the Games officially open everyone at Chapel Hill Retirement Residence are looking forward to the week ahead of competition. You can feel the excitement in the air! The theme this year is “Laughter is The Best Medicine” and my Friend told me this joke about a party host who made his guests line up for juice…..I can’t remember the entire joke anymore… All I know is that there was a long punch line! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Cite Parkway Retirement Residence
At Cité Parkway, we welcomed over 30 walkers who put themselves to the test to see what their final distance would be. Pierette M. earned the most stickers by walking all 4 floors which is just another example of the enthusiasm the residents here at Cité Parkway have towards the Games. Our Laughter yoga was a terrific success. The class welcomed over 20 Residents and Family members. Lead by Sophie Terasse and Magda Nached, we laughed ourselves into Tuesday. Athletes and Volunteers were joined at the Opening ceremony by MPP Nathalie Des Rosiers; World Rugby Hall of Fame Inductee, Mr. Al Charron; Ottawa Police Sergeant Jennifer Coté and Constable Brad Burleau, and; Ottawa Idol 2017 Winner, Lizzy Jones who lead the group on our National Anthem. We were also well supported by community association Tim Horton’s Children Foundation. The ceremony ended with our Senior Games’ Assistant Pierette M. challenged all the men to a game of Wii Bowling she would “Beat the heck out of all the men at Bowling”.
The Courtyards on Eagleson Retirement Residence
At The Courtyards on Eagleson our residents had a ball walking through the hallways to the hooting and hollering with the staff and volunteers. Three of our residents, Van L., Willa M. and Antoine S. assisted three other residents by pushing them in their wheelchairs! Double the work, Double the fun!! Way to go Courtyards. Mike S. had so much fun walking the halls with pom poms in his hands. He waved them at everyone he passed. Athletes and Volunteers were joined at the Opening ceremony by MP Karen McCrimmon, City Councillor Allan Hubley, Former NHL Hockey Player, John Chabot who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances. Our Chef de Mission, Barbara Hughes asked me today “Why don’t you play poker in the Jungle?” I told her I had no idea, why? She replied “Because there are too many Cheetah’s”. Bah ha ha ha.
Residence de la Gappe – Phase 1
At Résidences de la Gappe phase 1, we had 25 walkers making the trek, putting themselves to the test and walking the 2nd and 3rd floors at least 4 times. We did not just walked, we also danced and sang to the sound of our musician! Athletes and Volunteers were joined at the Opening ceremony by Gilles Carpentier, District du Carrefour-de-l’Hôpital (12), Président du Comité exécutif, Membre de la Corporation de la maison de la culture de Gatineau, Membre Comité de planification stratégique de la Ville de Gatineau. With the Games officially open everyone at Résidence de la Gappe phase 1 is looking forward to the week ahead of competition. You can feel the excitement in the air! Mr. T. exclaimed: Pourquoi le poulet a t’il traverse la rue, pour aller de l’autre côté. (Why did the chicken crossed the street? Answer: to go on the other side.)
Residence de la Gappe – Phase 2
At [Résidence de la Gappe phase 2, we had 54 walkers making the trek, putting themselves to the test as we walked and sang on all floors with musicians Ginette and Luke. When resident Mrs. S. came down with her walker covered in logos by her “walking sponsors” it set the stage for a fun-filled event.” Athletes and Volunteers were joined at the Opening ceremony by Gilles Carpentier, District du Carrefour-de-l’Hôpital (12), Président du Comité exécutif, Membre de la Corporation de la maison de la culture de Gatineau, Membre Comité de planification stratégique de la Ville de Gatineau. Little challenge offered by Mr. C., he took a snapchat and is preparing joke for us on Friday.
Residence de la Gappe – Phase 3&4
At les Résidences de la Gappe phase 3 and 4 we had our chef de missions Mme Madelaine Lambert and Mme. Huguette Mongeon walk from phase 4 all the way to phase 2, 9 times which is just another example of the enthusiasm the residents here at Residences de la Gappe phase 3 and 4 have towards the Games. Laughter yoga this morning had the residents almost rolling on the floor laughing. They laughed so hard that they almost didn’t have enough energy to do the walk! Athletes and Volunteers were joined at the Opening ceremony by Mme. Helene Lirette, our general director at phases 3 and 4; Annie Levesque activity director of phase 3; Jacquie Mcknight activity director of phase 4; Gilles Carpentier our District du Carrefour-de-l’Hôpital (12); our Chefs de Mission Huguette Mongeon and Madelaine Lambert and a room full of laughing residents from phase 3 and 4! With the Games officially open everyone at Residence phase 3 and 4 is looking forward to the week ahead of competition. You can feel the excitement in the air! One of the residents this morning make a really funny face and said “Laughter yoga, do I need to get my spandex out?” hahaha
Residence Chateau Symmes Retirement Residence
At Chateau Symmes we had 46 walkers making the trek, putting themselves to the test to see what their final distance would be. They all made it!!! We put a challenge to our regular yoga instructor by asking him to do Laughter Yoga….Wow, we never saw coming the turnout about laughing that was the best 40 mins of all time. Some were laughing so hard they had tears in their eyes. People were coming in to see what was going on and with over 30 participant, it was loud!!! Athletes and Volunteers were joined at the Opening ceremony by M. Greg Furgus and Gilles Chagnon who participated in congratulating the winning athletes on their performances and sharing a couple of jokes!