National Volunteer Week at All Seniors Care


Join All Seniors Care as we celebrate all the volunteers who generously donate their time, energy, and creativity during National Volunteer Week.

Volunteers are our behind-the-scenes heroes. Volunteering is a powerful force that brings individuals and communities together to make a positive impact on others.  The week of April 16th to 22nd honors all those who are working on behalf of others, giving generously to help organizations across Canada, including All Seniors Care.

Thank you to all of our volunteers!!

Volunteers Help Older Adults Stay Connected and Engaged

Volunteers offer older adults friendship, support, and a meaningful connection to the larger community. Whether supporting recreation and leisure time activities, helping at special events, or offering companionship, their acts of kindness enrich the lives of ASC residents. Not only does it keeps older adults active, but also helps keep them engaged in their community.

Since many of our volunteers are young adults, they bring an additional youthful vibrancy to seniors living in independent and assisted living.

Benefits of Volunteering in Retirement Living

There are many great reasons to volunteer at a retirement residence.

No matter what your age, there are multiple benefits to volunteering.  One of them is that you build strong bonds with new people and your community. Another is that giving to others can help protect your mental and physical health. It can reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose.

While it’s true that the more you volunteer, the more benefits you’ll experience, volunteering doesn’t have to involve a long-term commitment or take a huge amount of time out of your day. Giving in simple ways can help those in need and improve your health and happiness.

If you’re a student, youth, or an older adult, the reasons to volunteer go even deeper:

  • Have fun while making someone’s day better
  • Connect with like-minded people
  • Build community, sense of purpose, and personal fulfillment
  • Developing connections with residents, family members, and staff
  • Enhancing a specific skill set and sharing your experience with others
  • Learning from a supportive and knowledgeable staff team
  • Build your resume and develop skills
  • Having flexible hours adapted to your own schedule
  • Earn money toward your education with our scholarship program (seriously, click here to find out more).

Share or Develop Your Skills Through Volunteering

Are you able to do nails or hair? Can you sketch portraits? Do you play chess or bridge? All these skills – and more – would be appreciated by the residents in retirement living.

Some of the volunteer opportunities in our senior living communities:

  • Conducting one-on-one social visits with residents
  • Assisting with special events, game nights, and clubs
  • Intergenerational programs
  • Crafts and music programs
  • Baking & cooking
  • Video chat lessons
  • Reading or letter-writing

We have many opportunities for caring and compassionate people. Whether you are interested in assisting our trained staff in a specific activity, or leading a program on your own, we will customize your experience so that it meets your needs while positively impacting the lives of our residents. Rest assured, volunteers receive all the guidance, support, and training that they need to have a successful experience.

Volunteering Weaves Us Together

The theme of this year’s National Volunteer Week says it all: Volunteering Weaves Us Together.  This week-long celebration is about placing a spotlight on the inspiring people whose kindness plays an active and important role at All Seniors Care.

Another way to celebrate National Volunteer Week is to become a volunteer yourself. You don’t have to do it right away — it can be in a few months or later in the year. Find a living centre nearby. We have housing for seniors living in Regina, and more. You can contact us anytime for more info, to book a tour, or to find out how to apply to volunteer in one of our residences.



Writer  – Julianna McLeod

Julianna is a health and wellness expert at All Seniors Care. Her mission is to create content that empowers seniors to form sustainable solutions for lasting health and happiness. She is an experienced writer, editor, and Recreational Therapist living in Toronto.

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